Member level 2
Hi I have a common source amp by active load pmos . I analyse that by hspice. my hand calcoulation for zero and pole is 1=107meg p2=9.44gig and zero= 588gig but .pz analyse give me 5 pole and 4 zero that are not match by my hand calculation? circuit have 2 node then soulde have just 2 pole but.....
common source
.option post accurate
.lib 'E:\mm0355v.l'tt
m1 out g1 0 nmos nch w=60u l=.35u
m2 out g2 vdd pmos pch w=180u l=.35u
m3 g2 g2 vdd pmos pch w=180u l=.35u
Rs in g1 10k
cload out 0 .315p
vdd vdd 0 3.3
i g2 0 1m
.AC lin 700 0.001HZ 20E9HZ
vin in 0 ac=1 dc=.7
.pz v(out) vin
.tf v(out) vin
****** pole/zero analysis hspice
input = 0:vin output = v(out)
poles (rad/sec) poles ( hertz)
real imag real imag
-55.7539 0. -8.87351 0.
-175.692x 0. -27.9623x 0.
-439.273x 0. -69.9125x 0.
-3.80354g 0. -605.353x 0.
-15.8946g 0. -2.52971g 0.
zeros (rad/sec) zeros ( hertz)
real imag real imag
-56.5843 0. -9.00568 0.
-307.564x 0. -48.9504x 0.
-12.8402g 0. -2.04358g 0.
465.704g 0. 74.1191g 0
common source
.option post accurate
.lib 'E:\mm0355v.l'tt
m1 out g1 0 nmos nch w=60u l=.35u
m2 out g2 vdd pmos pch w=180u l=.35u
m3 g2 g2 vdd pmos pch w=180u l=.35u
Rs in g1 10k
cload out 0 .315p
vdd vdd 0 3.3
i g2 0 1m
.AC lin 700 0.001HZ 20E9HZ
vin in 0 ac=1 dc=.7
.pz v(out) vin
.tf v(out) vin
****** pole/zero analysis hspice
input = 0:vin output = v(out)
poles (rad/sec) poles ( hertz)
real imag real imag
-55.7539 0. -8.87351 0.
-175.692x 0. -27.9623x 0.
-439.273x 0. -69.9125x 0.
-3.80354g 0. -605.353x 0.
-15.8946g 0. -2.52971g 0.
zeros (rad/sec) zeros ( hertz)
real imag real imag
-56.5843 0. -9.00568 0.
-307.564x 0. -48.9504x 0.
-12.8402g 0. -2.04358g 0.
465.704g 0. 74.1191g 0