This is a smart AGV. I have worked on such robots for 1 ton and 2 tons. The power supply used was an LM2578 switching power supply with a 52kHz switching frequency. Filter capacitors are enough in this case, unless the datasheet specifies an inductance or you have some special conditions in your factory. This was the circuit.
I have all the circuits, but I wont make it that easy for you. At 1 ton, with 1x12V battery, the AGV was working 8 hours. It was moving very slow, it had a sensor to prevent someone from being crushed. It was moving on a black line. The problem was that when the battery is deeply discharged, it lasts a year. I recommend a smaller discharge percentage, depending on the battery you choose. A sample(maybe not for your battery) graph is like this:
at 80% discharge the battery lasts 5 years
at 30% discharge the battery lasts 2-3 years
The battery must never fall under 30% and under 12.2V.
I recommend if possible to use a rail for power supply, instead of a black line. This will solve the problems with the battery being damaged and charged. It was taking 2 hours for the battery to get charged, which is wasted time or you need more batteries for the AGV to work continuously. You can put a rail on the sides of the factory and run a rail in the middle. If you put it high, the only danger becomes the electrical current if it falls, this is solved by isolating the cable and putting a good isolated connector on both ends, or you can put a glass wall with doors on the middle lane and only stop the AGV on certain positions, in order for it to unload.