COM84 Flash a PIC16F676?

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Junior Member level 1
Jan 18, 2010
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I'm trying to learn how to program PICs and I came across the simple COM84 programmer. Could I adapt this to program a PIC 16F676 instead of a PIC 16F84A. The schematic I'm planning on using is What would I do (pictures would be nice btw)?

As you guys can tell I'm completely new to PICs so I assume after this COM84 is built, I can connect the COM84 with my PIC on it to my serial port on my pc. Then I can use IC-Prog to download the program that I compiled in Great Cow Basic?[/url]


It would be possible to adapt the program to that chip, but do you have the source code and as you say you are new at Pics, is it realistic ?

That programmer is what is generally refered to a the JDM type, its a very, very old design and has limitations and can simply fail to work on some PCs.

If you want to build a programmer look at this recent forum entry.

However you might better spend your time and money on a ready built Microchip USB Pickit2 which is also available with Starter and Debugger training boards.
As that link shows there are several similar trainer units like the June Bug which are also based on the Pickit2.
Thanks wp100. Decided on buying a Pickit2, and I love the device. There are some things I still don't get interfacing mikrobasic with the pickit 2 programmer, but hopefully I'll figure it out.

Interfacing Pickit2 with any Mikroelektronika's IDE is a real pain in the butt I use their development board (EasyPic6) and a programmer (PicFlash2), programmer for field work, but I do not use their compilers (even that the owner of the Mikroelektronika is a personal friend of mine).

You can even use Pickit2 as a 'standalone' programmer, i.e. Programmer-To-Go.

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