For colpitt feedback arrangement the factor B = C2/C1 = 1/10 in my case. Now gain A =10 in order to make AB=1.
So your R2/R1 =10. You can select 100k and 10 k as well. but then if you are making R1=10k then you need to take care that between output, colpitt arrangement and input side similar condition exist in terms of current.
The derivation of B =C2/C1 assumes that the output current going through the colpitt arrangement is same that goes to the input of opamp. So just try to implement this.
How did I select the L value? Well I just took it as 50mH as I was not focused on any particular frequency of resonance.
"reactance of the coil of colpitts Oscillator should be around 140" can you please share the source of this statement?
Regarding transistor design make sure your gain RC/Re( refer books to find the equation for derivation of this) is near t ratio of C1/C2 if not exactly equal. You need to play with values of C for these. Once you have finalized the C1 and C2 use the formula to calculate what value of L can help you achieve desired frequency of operation.
I must say that you need to mix n match values of R,L,C in order to get the desired response. The math that I have used gets you near nothing more. I have been myself unable to find anything solid over internet/books for this. I have just surviving level knowledge of the concept
Keep trying and do post if you come up with something interesting!
-Best of luck!