Coil inside a switch to enable the switch

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May 1, 2014
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There is some switches that have a coil , the coil needs to be energized and enabled with voltage in order for the switch to work

The switch is either a Single pole double throw or a double pole double throw

What kind of switch is this called?

It's not a relay

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The switch has a lever to move manually , but it will only work even the coil inside the switch has voltage and is energized

Your description sounds almost like a circuit breaker.

It contains a switch. An internal coil is arranged to pull open the switch if the coil carries overmuch current.

It must be reset by closing the switch manually.

The switch and coil are in series. Either both carry current, or neither carry current.

The switch is called circuit breaker and the coil is called under voltage coil.
When the supply voltage fails or too low,the coil triggers the breaker to trip. As a result, loads do not get power again when the supply voltage is restored, unless someone turn on the breaker. This mechanism is helpful for the safety of humans and machines.

Here is the pictures of the Switch, it has a level like a normal switch but it will only work when the coil internally inside the switch has voltage, no voltage on the coil the switch will not work

What kind of switch is this and what are they called?

It's not a relay or circuit breaker


According to picture,it is not relay or circuit breaker.

Generally you can say it "holding coil switch" or specifically you can say it "magnetically held toggle switch".
The holding coil can be used to release the switch from remote location, or it can be used to interlock some impotant conditions which must be fullfilled to start a machine safely. Besides it also can be used to provide safety against DC control power lost to restored event.

Links: (see page III (not 3))

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