I've got a test project for a PIC32MZ chip (PIC32MZ2048ECH100, microchip's PIM) that compiles just fine. The code works up to a certain point.
My code is just meant to test an LCD module by filling the screen with a 16-bit color variable and incrementing the value of this variable (by 0xFF) on each pass of the main loop so what I get is a screen that gradually changes color from 0x0000 to 0xFFFF. I was able to test this on my hardware and it has worked up to this point.
Now, I tried to add and call a function that prints an image i stored as an array of 16 bit colors (with 320*240 elements). The code compiles, but when I program my hardware, it fails when it reaches that part of the code.
I've attached my project and hope someone can help me understand what I'm doing wrong. Thanks in advance.