ok WimRFP.
I attached a new figure that include in "signal 1" only.
explicity,I have a generator that is connected to BNC connector.therefore I can measure a voltage and current in connector location.it's true?
Now by inner probe ,I apply generator's signal to ring and therefore to my antenna.
Now I want to calculate radiation efficiency of the antenna.I can calculate radiated power,simply.
BUT,my problem is that how define input power port.
there is two case:
1- I meausre input power in connector Location.
2- I measure input power in location where inner probe and ring are connected.
Which of these two methods should be used for radiation efficiency calculation.
when I use from "case 1", my result is lower than reference (for example my result is 60% but reference has 75% efficiency).
I don't know how include "reflection loss".because when I include "reflection loss" by s11,namely:
input power = generator power (1-|S11|^2)
in this case,in "efficiency veruse frequency" diagram, there is two point in VHF band that magnitude(S11)-->1.So my input power become zeros and radiation efficiency is very big.while in other frequencies in VHF band mag(S11)<1 and my result is true.
because of this error in S11,I don't include S11 effect and I use from "input power = generator power".so my efficiency become lower than reference.
What should I do?