Err, I think you misunderstand the term link budget......
A link budget is a calculation taking into account transmitter power, connector and cable losses, transmit aerial gain, space loss, receve aerial gain, cable and connector loss and finally recever sensitivity, it tells you what the link margin will be and is not hard to work out, do watch the difference between dBd and dBi however, quoting aerial gain with reference to dBi is a common marketing trick. I generally like to see at least a 10dB link margin, but I doubt you will manage that over a KM with BT.
Here **broken link removed** is an online RF stuff specialist who has good datasheets for the more interesting things (And has both a wide selection of cables and RP SMA connectors from someone sane).
In general you will find that low loss microwave cables are less flexable, it comes with the need to maintain an accurate geometry (RG223 might be a good compromise if you only need a few feet (0.8dB/m @2.4G).
Some of the lab cables are also not bad (succoflex for example), but I would suggest that the real answer is to mount the blue tooth module right on the aerial structure, you cannot get lower loss then having nearly no cable or a few inches of hardline or semi rigid.
73 de M0HCN.