co-polarization and cross-polarization

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Junior Member level 3
Dec 3, 2007
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cross polarization


I find some papers using \"E Plane Cross-Pol, E Plane Co-Pol, H Plane Cross-Pol and H Plane Co-Pol \" to represent radiation patterns or gain ?

Then how to define them?

what is the relationship between them and E field/H field ?

Is Elevation plane=E-plane , Azimuth plane=H-plane?

Is My result correct or no?


e-plane cross polarization


first - can you use different format than *.doc please?

so the EM wave have two component: E-field and H-field - they are perpendicular to each other - **broken link removed**.

"Is Elevation plane=E-plane , Azimuth plane=H-plane?" - yes, that is true

so the wave have polarization - Depending on the direction of vector E. And the source of wave is antenna. So your antenna produces wave, where vector E have the same direction as axes Y, for example - it is ideal. But real antenna produces component Ez - so ideal antenna have E vector (Ex,Ey,Ez) = (0,E,0) but real antenna is (0,E,Ez). - And the Ez is about your cross-polar polarization.

do you understand me ?

If you have 2 the same antenna with the same polarization - co-polar - the transmission will be OK, but if you rotate 90° one antenna, the transmission will be very poor - it is cross polar.

I hope, that you undestand me and i helped you.


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polar polarization

I adjust file with pdf format.

i want to know if the following words are true or not , please?

In Phi (Φ)=0, called azimuth plane , E-phi is copolar component and E-theta is crosspolar component
In Phi(Φ)= 90, called Elevation plane, E-theta is crosspolar component and E-phi is copolar componen

In Phi (Θ)=0, called Elevation plane , H-phi is copolar component and H-theta is crosspolar component
In Phi(Θ)= 90, called azimuth plane, H-theta is crosspolar component and H-phi is copolar component

Y-Z plane (E-plane) and X-Z plane (H-plane)

E horizontal=EΘCos(Φ)-EΦSin(Φ)
E vertical=EΘSin(Φ)+EΦCos(Φ)


cross co polarization rf

Added after 33 minutes:

I think, that it is not good:
I think, that correct is: (example in attachment)

first - copolar:

changing the angle is theta:
for Phi = 90° - elavation plane or E plane
for Phi = 0° - azimuth plane or H plane

cross polar:
changing the angle is theta:
for Phi = 90° - elavation plane or E plane
for Phi = 0° - azimuth plane or H plane

you can look at the problem, that you have two independent antenna first - "copolar antenna" and second "crosspolar antenna".

but for explanation i need know,
a) if is it simulation or measuring
b) if is it measuring, can you tell me about your workplace ?

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