Advanced Member level 4
It is a CNC able to make any shape 2D and 3D of wire. Material and the machine are cheap, and the process of bending is fast.
Main element of the CNC is a spool containing the wire (of any material: aluminum, copper or another), straightening rollers, motor which ejects the wire and servo that bends the wire.
The CNC can create an element from:
- vector file (like Adobe Illustrator)
- file containing the 3D model (Rhino, Waveform OB)
- file with text commands (for example slide 50mm, bend 90 degrees to the right, etc.)
- file with „raw” coordinates (from 0,0,0 to 0, 10, 10 to … etc.)
Using that machine you can create some useful everyday objects such as stands for books or hangers, or even mechanical components such as springs. If the ready model does not meet your expectations, bent wire can be put back into the „input” and transformed to something else.
Useful links:
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**broken link removed**
Link to original thread (useful attachment) – Maszyna CNC wyginająca druty w dowolne kształty 2D i 3D