okay, yesterday i was trying to use CD4093 IC to use as Latch,, but it wasnt giving desired output, then i decided to test the I.C,,
I.C configuration is: there are 14 pins, 7th is ground and 14th is Vcc, pin 1 and 2 are for in, and 3 is its NAND output,
i test this IC using led, what i do is i onnct +ve leg of led to 3rd pin and -ve to 7th, then notice some results.!
a) when i connect both pin (1 and 2) to 14thpin (Vcc) it => LED didnt glow
b) i cnnect any of pin (1 or 2) to 7th pin (ground) and left remaining pin with no input => LED did glow
c) i connect both pins ( 1 and 2) to ground , => LED glow
d)i dont give any input to 1 and 2 pins, => LEd give random responses, continuosly glow on and off
e) i give Vcc to anyone input (1 or 2) and left the remaing pin => LEd give random responses, continuosly glow on and off
results a,b and c are fine,
but the problem i was facing was in result d and e, because when i give no input to any pin it should suppose to be given ground (by default) and LED shoul glow on, but this wasnt happening, LED was giving random responses... why is this happening?? plz reply plzzzzz, where i m doing mistake??