CMOS Model card for demonstrating simulations in an analog blog

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Oct 27, 2014
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I am planning to start a blog on analog circuits and am looking for a model card to demonstrate simulation examples. Can anyone point me to any freely available model card which I can use and even re-distribute on my blog site? It need not be a high end node; just something good enough to run simulations for basic analog circuits.

Looking forward to your comments.

Thanks and Regards,


Thanks. This is what I was looking for. I just needed one more advice. Do you know any tool where I can sketch the schematics. I need a tool where I can easily draw the MOS transistor based schematic, label the node voltage and branch currents, write explanation about the circuit behavior etc. (I am planning to use LTSPICE for front end simulation but the schematics are not good enough for using them in the text)

Looking forward to your response.


Schematics from LTSpice could be "good enough"
if you post-process them and maybe turn off the
grid, etc. I do most of my documentation with
alt-PrScrn and a graphics editor, from a 4K display
you will get more than adequate quality.

XCircuit is meant for publication quality schematics
although the style doesn't appeal to me as much
as some others, you might need to make your own
symbols if you have a similar opinion.

I use Xschem now, I like it a lot and it's got some
decent hooks for simulation, recently added the
schematic drive node plotting capability in
concert with ngspice and gaw (viewer). Does not
yet have port-current plotting though (you'd just
have to give that command directly to ngspice).

Have you tried drilling into MOSIS for SPICE models?
I recall finding some there, and also at the LASI7
home site (currently maintained by Jake Baker
although it seems less active than it once was).

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