CMOS inductor with different substrate resistivity

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Newbie level 6
Jun 1, 2003
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cmos inductor

hello, everyone.

now i have a EM-simulation question about CMOS inductor with different substrate resistivity

the inductor layouts (N=4.5, W=10um, S=2um and Rin=60um) and process parameters are same and the substrate resistivity is 1000, 100, 10, 1, 0.1 respectively, the unit is

the theory is that if the substrate resistivity is lower, the Q-factor of inductor is lower due to the more severe influences of lower substrate resistivity.

but from EM-simulation results, the situation is different.
the EM-simulatior is momentum, and the configration is verified with measured inductors.

Q1,3,5,7,9 is the one-port Q-factor of inductor with different substrate resistivity (1000, 100, 10, 1, 0.1) respectively, as shown in figure.

as for Q1,Q3,Q5, the Q-factor is lower and is coherent with the theory.
But as for Q7 and Q9, the substrate resistivity is more lower, the Q-factor is higher reversely.

so, anyone can help me to explain the reason or find any wrong?
thanks a lot.

how to different inductor

When you look the self resonance frequencies of the inductors, No1,3,5 they are all same but No;7,9 much lower than others.So, inductor values are not same anymore.
Zero crossings are at the same time self resonance frequencies.
I guess, because of eddy current ( i suppose the the coil is not shielded by hatched Polysilicon layer ) inductor values become different..
It's my interpretation..

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