Look to the datasheet for part CD4013 - depending upon what Vcc voltage you are running it at, the clock edge must be less than 15microsecond rise time @5V Vcc, and less than 5 microsecond @15V Vcc. Observe the RC time constant of your switch debounce circuit and calculate the rise time/fall time. Is it well under 5 microseconds (and only 1 time-constant is still only 67% of the way)?
You can try to select different R, C values to provide some debounce but must meet the spec sheet timing or the output may not transition because the clocking edge is too slow to drive the circuit to output. Also, you should have at least some smaller R in series with the switch to limit the current from discharging the capacitor(s) - otherwise the charged caps are being shorted direct to ground through the switch and things won't last long, as FvM points out. Even ~100 ohms would be beneficial for that.