JGK you should get a good grade
ac sims: dc source from ground to cm set to your cm voltage, then have two ac sources each set to .5, with 1 pos to pos input of amp and neg to cm, the other will be flipped and connect to the neg input. this will be your ac ref of 1v. you should runa trans and wait for your cmfb to settle, then save operating points and run your ac sim with these operating points. at my work we have a cool widget that lets us sim the loop gain without breaking the loop. but you will probably need to break your loop, just remember when you break the loop you are changing the loading of your amp, and so the results you get will be slightly off depending on the values of your feedback network(typically a broken loop ac gain sim will look better then it is, unless youre incorporating the feedback loading as part of your compensation, in that case you may see a decrease in pm).