From NXP i2c specs
3.1.9 Clock stretching
Clock stretching pauses a transaction by holding the SCL line LOW. The transaction
cannot continue until the line is released HIGH again. Clock stretching is optional and in
fact, most slave devices do not include an SCL driver so they are unable to stretch the
On the byte level, a device may be able to receive bytes of data at a fast rate, but needs
more time to store a received byte or prepare another byte to be transmitted. Slaves can
then hold the SCL line LOW after reception and acknowledgment of a byte to force the
master into a wait state until the slave is ready for the next byte transfer in a type of
handshake procedure (see Figure 7).
On the bit level, a device such as a microcontroller with or without limited hardware for the
I2C-bus, can slow down the bus clock by extending each clock LOW period. The speed of
any master is adapted to the internal operating rate of this device.
In Hs-mode, this handshake feature can only be used on byte level (see Section 5.3.2).