Clock root is not extracted---->Cadence Encounter??????

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Jul 21, 2008
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encounter extracted view

Dear all,
I am doing CTS of my design.
I have done pre-cts optimization successfully.
after that i did
set cts mode
but now when i do create clock tree spec, then i get the result as follows:
CTE Mode
Options: -output name.ctstch
-bufFootprint clkbuf
-invFootprint clkinv
Total 0 clock roots are extracted

as 0 clock root is extracted, so I m not able to do clock tree synthesis.

please suggest me where I am going wrong?

Thanks in advance

pre cts mode

be sure your create clock constraints are loaded. What does the name.ctscth file show?

cte mode cadence

Ihave checked : clock constraints are loaded.

but name.ctstch file is blank.

bye the way thanks for reply.

please suggest some other solution.

cadence encounter cts

try report_clocks report_constraints command in fe. to make sure clock source point is available

should not be done as root of cadence

you can create ctscsh file by
createClockTreeSpe and load this file before cts, and dont forget to load the clock constraints , which will be i/ps for createclocktreespe command and do give options for setCTSMode options like below
setCTSMode -topPreferredLayer $top_routing_layer
setCTSMode -bottomPreferredLayer [expr $top_routing_layer - 1]
setCTSMode -preferredExtraSpace 1
setCTSMode -leafTopPreferredLayer $top_routing_layer
setCTSMode -leafBottomPreferredLayer [expr $top_routing_layer - 1]
setCTSMode -leafPreferredExtraSpace 0
setCTSMode -optAddBuffer true
setCTSMode -opt true
setCTSMode -routeClkNet true
setCTSMode -moveGate true

Added after 1 minutes:

Or else u can create ur own cts specification file , and u can source it to cts engine

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