Program of this home made clock with alarm and time backup after supply failure (CR2032 battery) was written in Bascom. It has three buttons for setting the time and alarm.
Functions of the buttons:
start of operation of the clock after the first connection to the mains
increasing the hours
increasing the minutes
enter the menu of alarm settings (indicated by twice blinking diode), and then by 1 and 2 buttons you can set the time of waking up. Leave the menu by pressing the 5 button
activate/deactivate the alarm (when the LED is on – the alarm is on / when the LED is off – the alarm is also off)
disabling the alarm when it is activated
The clock uses internal RTC of Atmega and works with clock quartz 32.768kHz. Attiny2313 was used for generating the alarm signal, but as well you can use a smaller processor such as Attiny13.
Housing was made of a piece of plexiglass, which can be additionally covered with a dimming foil.