Advanced Member level 4
The device is a clock and thermometer based on a VFD lamp.
The heart of this device is Atmega8 and DS1307 (as RTC) with battery sustain.
The main difficulty in this device is to adapt interruptions with the DS18b20 sensor. How is it made:
- data is sent to the sensor
- the time is viewed on the display
- the data from the sensor is received
- the date is viewed on the display
- the time is converted/sliced to tens, unity and fraction
- the temperature is viewed on the display
This operation is so quick that the display doesn’t blink.
The program was written in BASCOM it takes about 64% of the flash memory.
Control is via two buttons (menu and increment). The device is prepared for one more DS18b20 sensor but it's not implemented yet. The program displays negative and positive temperature values.
What do You need to buy: Atmega8, 2xULN2804, DS18b20, DS1307, IW-18 lamp
Link to original thread - Zegar i termometr na IW-18
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