Clean up commercials in the forum

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Full Member level 2
May 31, 2013
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Maybe I'm the only person who's using an older Macbook Pro 2014..

Please clean up the commercials in that forum, they're too excessive.

Yes I know there are ways around that... The forum is less than 1/5th of the screen, 4/5th are commercials...


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Usually the commercials are OFF when you are logged in. Please confirm that they are still there when you are logged in.

It seems you still use the old forum style. Is this the case?



yes it's fine when I'm logged in.. maybe you should check the browser window size and turn off commercials / or reorganise them when the screen is too small (you see that some posts are completely wrapped, even letter by letter).

yes it's fine when I'm logged in..
It's almost a standard configuration in every forum, if you are not logged in, you´ll see popups and ads interleaved between messages.
This is the price for free use of information available in the history of threads for those who are not members on this community.

I don't think so have a look at the screenshots, you cannot even read the posts. The ads are ok but you can see it's too much here.

Those screenshots were made from chrome in fullscreen.
I'm not always logged in here that's correct (when logged in there's no problem)

Anyway the ads should be smaller if they are there and not occupy 75-80% of the screen. The text should be at least readable and not one letter or word per line.

Indeed, it would be nice to have a ballance on Ads and forum contents, anyway, as far as I know, Admins are not commited to provide support for non logged sections in the sense of keeping reasonable readability for every browsers, so once not logged, I would take this as a plus.

All of them are using the same engine in the background nowadays.
Chrome is fine by the way but sometimes a link opens in safari here and t
--- Updated ---

I fully understand that advertisements are used to get some money in here, and that's absolutely legit since they put some effort into it to keep the website running.
Adfilters are another story (I don't want to comment that).

If I visit a website, or google directs me to it and I can barely see any valuable content (eg. one letter per line, or one word per line as in the screenshot) I'll just leave the website asap and never come back again.
I'd recommend to only put the advertisement on one side of the screen (if the resolution is not high enough), or just stick with a small banner.
No one who gets directed here from a search engine has an account initially.
If I visit a website, or google directs me to it and I can barely see any valuable content (eg. one letter per line, or one word per line as in the screenshot) I'll just leave the website asap and never come back again.

I just ran experiments logged out with several browsers, and I have to agree with you; in fact, the layout arrangement affects readability, unless an 80% zoom is applied. I will be forwarding your observation to the Admins. Thanks for watching.

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