Classical and New Inequalities in Analysis

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Feb 15, 2004
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Classical and New Inequalities in Analysis, Kluwer 1993
Dragoslav S. Mitrinović
formerly of the University of Belgrade, Servia
J.E. Pečarić
University of Zagreb, Kroatia
A.M. Fink
Dept. of Mathematics, Iowa State University, Ames, USA

Book Series: MATHEMATICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS East European Series : Volume 61

This volume presents a comprehensive compendium of classical and new inequalities as well as some recent extensions to well-known ones.

Variations of inequalities ascribed to Abel, Jensen, Cauchy, Chebyshev, Hölder, Minkowski, Stefferson, Gram, Fejér, Jackson, Hardy, Littlewood, Po'lya, Schwarz, Hadamard and a host of others can be found in this volume. The more than 1200 cited references include many from the last ten years which appear in a book for the first time.

The 30 chapters are all devoted to inequalities associated with a given classical inequality, or give methods for the derivation of new inequalities. Anyone interested in equalities, from student to professional, will find their favorite inequality and much more.


Preface. Organization of the Book. Notations. I. Convex Functions and Jensen's Inequality. II. Some Recent Results Involving Means. III. Bernoulli's Inequality. IV. Cauchy's and Related Inequalities. V. Hölder and Minkowski Inequalities. VI. Generalized Hölder and Minkowski Inequalities. VII. Connections Between General Inequalities. VIII. Some Determinantal and Matrix Inequalities. IX. Čebyšev's Inequality. X. Grüss' Inequality. XI. Steffensen's Inequality. XII. Abel's and Related Inequalities. XIII. Some Inequalities for Monotone Functions. XIV. Young's Inequality. XV. Bessel's Inequality. XVI. Cyclic Inequations. XVII. The Centroid Method in Inequalities. XVII. Triangle Inequalities. XVIII. Norm Inequalities. XIX. More on Norm Inequalities. XX. Gram's Inequality. XXI.Frejér-Jackson's Inequalities and Related Results. XXII. Mathieu's Inequality. XXIII. Shannon's Inequality. XXIV. Turan's Inequality from the Power Sum Theory. XXV. Continued Fractions and Padé Approximation Method. XXVI. Quasilinearization Methods for Proving Inequalities. XXVIII. Dynamic Programming and Functional Equation Approaches to Inequalities. XXIX. Interpolation Inequalities. XXX. Minimax Inequalities. Name Index.

Dear cat_basilio,
I am really interested in this nice book, however, the uploaded dejavo file is corrupted. please check it, and upload it again (its better to split the file in smaller sizes).
ur friend, murti

Works fine for me. As scanned book, qualite is not very good, but usefull.

me too, thank you!

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