class for serial port access. API functions used - CreateFile (), CloseHandle (), GetCommState (), SetCommState (), BuildCommDCBAndTimeouts (), SetCommTimeouts (), ReadFile (), WriteFile (), GetComTimeouts (), GetCommProperties (), GetCommModemStatus ().
Serial port wrapper usage example
#include "comport.hpp"
void someFunction ()
COMPort aPort ("COM2");
aPort.setBitRate (COMPort::br9600);
aPort.setParity (COMPort::Even);
aPort.setDataBits (COMPort::db7);
aPort.setStopBits (COMPort::sb1);
while (1)
char aData = ();
// do processing
} // end someFunction
The code above opens serial port COM2 and configures it to 9600 bps baud rate, even parity, 7 data bits, 1 stop bit. Then data is read and processed in continuos loop.
In case of problems when writtin to COM port, try change hardware handshake mode by calling function setHandshaking (false).
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