Circuit to detect the antenna has been attached.

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Full Member level 3
Jul 9, 2008
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I am looking for a solution in which when I attach the antenna then only my circuits gets power ON.
One of the idea i was looking was to use a contact switch.When i attach antenna a contact is made in the contact switch and voltage through contact switch drives a relay .When the relay is energies through its contact i get 24V/4A to power on my circuit.If anyone has any other ideas kindly share it.


Your post isn't very descriptive.
Is it an antenna on a house, a car, a RC car, a cellular phone?

What size is the antenna and holder? Is it in house or outside? What climatic parameters?
Mechanically moved contacts.
Magnet and reed relay? Magnet and semiconductor sensor. Weight sensor, optical sensors, electrical sensing of L C resonator?

If your antenna had a built in resistor to ground, say 10k, it would be simple to have a 1~10M pullup and Cap for low current to activate a P-ch MOSFET high side switch to de-activate the circuit, then activate when antenna 10K to ground without degrading the RF.

PC's use the same method to detect a speaker connected (<100 Ohm) and video port active with 75 Ohm termination on signals.

Can you show a circuit diagram for the same

- - - Updated - - -

I will again clarify my requirement I have n type cable when i connect it ,a signal should be generated which tells that cable has been fitted to the chassis . So right now my plan of going forward is with a micro switch
(KW4A-Z3SP200-7260) .

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