circuit that signals a logical condition "L" or "H"

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Newbie level 3
Jan 15, 2013
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I just need a scheme that can connect to the protoboard
can somebody make a scheme in a simulator and put a printscreen here

1. Calculate, draw and connect the wiring diagram on the experimental or the PCB for the circuit that signals a logical condition "L" or "H". Change the logical state of the LE-LED display. LE-red diode notified state "H", green LED signals LE-state "L".

this sounds like a homework problem...a very simple one, I think you could have found the answer in the time it took to write the question..

If this is to just monitor 1 node and determine if its high or low, just connect it to 2 diodes. remember the property of diodes with regards to forward bias, and reverse bias. remember to use current limiting resistors

can you draw me a diagram, I'm a total beginner

Re: circuit that signals a logical condition "L" or "H"

what is this for?

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look up rectifiers, you can use the same principle to achieve what you want. Im tempted to do your work for you because i enjoy circuits and like to help, but i think its best if you follow this on your own for a little bit. do some research...basic research.

I need to complete the exercises in the electronics and
I have to do it by next Monday

well thanks for the advice, but do not mean much to me
I'll try to make do in other ways


I solved the task
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Grats, I hope you solved it, as opposed to someone solving it for you

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