Circuit designing help

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Member level 5
Apr 12, 2013
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I want to learn circuit designing. Anybody here knows about any online circuit designing course? or any material that I can get online? and how should I start?

Peter, Thanks for suggestion but can you please suggest some free source? and how should I start?

You want to learn how to draw circuit and need design software for that or you want to learn about electronics in general ?

I know electronics in general. I want to learn circuit drawing, simulation, pcb designing and layout etc.

Eagle CAD will good for you. Evaluation version allow make PCBs 100 mm x 80 mm with 2 layers maximum. If this restrictions are criticlal for you, other CADs will more intricate. PCAD for example.

if you are familiar with the PCB elaboration methods, I suggest to start drawing small and simple circuits by hand on paper ..... than start with eagle and other fancy programs....
I remember my first circuits i made were a simple siren with 2 tranzistors, a-stable circuit driving 2 led's, the 6 tranzistor radio (that was a breakthrough, :grin: it was such a magic when i tuned the first station..... ) ....
have fun,


Can anybody tell me what is circuit simulation? softwares used for simulation?
what is circuit designing? softwares for circuit designing?
PCB designing? softwares?
PCB layout? spftwares?
and any other type of softwares used?

circuit simulation is a computer assisted method used to simulate the behavior of a circuit in a virtual environment (no need to create real circuit and blow up tranzistors :grin: ), based on mathematical computations ... software ex: Orcad

Pcb designing ... that's when you want to go to real ... In order to make the cooper board to solder the electronic components on it, at the begining, you need to draw the connections existing between each component's terminal according to the electrical schematic of the circuit, and of course the pad for each terminal needs to be drawn in order to drill holes later in that place for the component terminal ... when ready, you have 1 layer. You need to transfer somehow the drawing (from computer or paper) on the cooper board. In order to draw correctly , you need to know/approximate the distance between terminals and component dimensions , when using computer programs like Eagle , this dimensions are already included in the software in the form of library's based on the component datasheets, you just need to select the correct pattern for your component.
For double sided cooper boards you can make 2 drawings for each side, so you have 2 layers. You can't build multiple layered (>2) board's at home . (for exemple a cell phone's pcb can have >7 layers....)
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zsoft, thanks. can you please answer other question too please?

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