circuit convert voltage

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Junior Member level 3
Jan 25, 2013
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i want take a circuit convert from 12vDC to 1000 VAC. any help me. sorry if english bad.

I hope you realize that theoreticaly on secundar side this is 10KW (1000V x 10A). Definitely you need to use transformer, but I dont know what power source or battery bank you plan to use.

Hello ngochaigv888,

do you really need 10A at 1000V ? That will be a power of 10kVA.

So you need a DC current for your inverter of approximately 1200A to 1500A.

I think, it's better you buy a diesel generator.



I hope you realize that theoreticaly on secundar side this is 10KW (1000V x 10A). Definitely you need to use transformer, but I dont know what power source or battery bank you plan to use.
I use battery, and used with verry short time

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Hello ngochaigv888,

do you really need 10A at 1000V ? That will be a power of 10kVA.

So you need a DC current for your inverter of approximately 1200A to 1500A.

I think, it's better you buy a diesel generator.



yes. it's 10A at 1000V. i use with verry short time.

You must use 400Ah 12V battery because smaller cant give you that current even on short time.

I dont know what you starting with this, for sure branded manufacturer will not use 12V voltage on that amperage.

Battery current is of the order of KiloAmpere and thus the rest of the circuitry will also have to be consistent, even conductors are to be specially designed it seems a tricky situation. I have experience in handling currents of this order of magnitude for less than a microsecond. In such situations the inductance contributed by the conductor is one of the limiting parameter if one is concerned about the rise time of the voltage and current pulse.

It would make sense to specify "very short time" more clearly. 100ms, 1 s, 10 s? 12V (or whatever is left when the load is switched on) and 1000A is feasible with respective batteries. but you can make your life much easier and safe some kg's of copper by reverting to a higher battery voltage, as already mentioned.

I have new solution then. use another power


Wonderful concept. Please add more info.
I am working with High voltage (15 to 25 KV, KA) pulses for 50 to 200 ns range.
This concept seems to be newer than any thing else around.
I am constrained to use Krytrons and spark gaps.
Newer switching techniques will help.

for 25kv voltage is difficult insulation bettwen two poles. you can referency circuit of taser.
sorry. my english bad.

No it is not that difficult. air has breakdown strength to the tune of 25KV/cm (of course there are issues like edge effect and corona but can be managed), standard 1.6 mm or more double sided fiberglass epoxy PCB are also used for short pulse loading, water is also used for HV short pulse loading as dielectric (K=80 !!), oils like transformer oils are fine. You get HV capacitors too.
I dont know about taser must be something non-conventional !!! simply great. Thanks a lot for help.
By the way your query is still not very clear.
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Taser is device convert small power supply DC to high-voltage. then it's discharge skill bad people.
sorry. my english bad.

Taser is device convert small power supply DC to high-voltage. then it's discharge skill bad people.
sorry. my english bad.

Why you mention in post #3 that you need 10A, taser uses very small currents in mA range, higher currents can kill.

It's example for convert short voltage to hight voltage. you need hight curent will used transistor and transformer big.
sorry, my english bad.

Handling higher voltages and that too at higher current levels is a tricky area if you are really working in this regime please bring in few more details. The voltages and current under discussion are not far from reality but will have to be for very short duration like pulses.

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