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CIC filter design issue in MATLAB

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Newbie level 3
Dec 8, 2008
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cic filter

I want to design CIC filter in MATLAB with just 3 variables:
Order, Decimation factor, & input data rate.

The problem is when I use MATLAB's "filterbuilder"and select CIC I can specify decimation factor and input data rate only. The order is determined for you automatically based on passband and attenuation specifications.
2 questions:
1. Is there a way for me to design CIC without worrying about passband and attenuation specifications but rather based on the 3 variables I mentioned in the beginning?

2. How is passband defined in MATLAB?

Thanks for reading. I hope to get a reply soon.

matlab cic

I don't use MATLAB CIC tool, but generally (e. g. in Hogenauers paper) passband/attenuation would be just a point on the filter characteristic. It's (sin(x)/x)^n, so it's easy to calculate the relation to CIC order, I think.

cic filter matlab

Hello FvM
The problem is I don't understand their passband definition and therefore I can't figure out from the equation what roll-off to expect at so called "passband".
Their roll-off at passband is not fixed. Its weired.

cic filter design

try FDATOOL in matlab

cic matlab

In Hogenauers paper, passband is an arbitrary choosen frequency, usually given by the CIC filter application. Filter characteristics are calculated related to this frequency.

designing cic filter in matlab

the frequency response is determined by the R(decimation facor),N(the order of the CIC) and the M (defferential delay). the passband is determined by them~~~
is the passband edge is the at the -3dB ?

matlab cic filter

In ususal CIC terminology, passband isn't the -3dB bandwidth.
As part of the filter design process, R, M and N are choosen to provide acceptable
passband characteristics over the frequency range from to zero to a predetermined
cutoff frequency fc expressed relative to the low sampling rate.
The design examples in Hogenauers paper have passband attenuations at fc between 0 and about 6 dB.

cic filter

you are right. It is not at the -3dB. In my project, it is about -0.22dB.

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