Advanced Member level 4
It is a Christmas decoration for your house, which can be easily made at home. It uses LEDs, what makes it economic – the lights take only 45-50W. LEDs are connected and attached to electric buses (which were previously painted in the color of the roof) that are screwed to the roof. The design can be used as a house lighting not only at Christmas. You can add icicles made of LEDs if you want (in this project there are three such icicles in the central part of the house) powered from 230V. Together with a driver, it forms the house decoration.
LEDs in the buses are connected in series of three with a resistor. 12V supply for light bus.
The driver (also home made) was based on processor Atmega8. Program was written in C. It controls the buses powered from 12V and three sets of LED icicles powered from about 230V.
The total number of LEDs is 1000.
House with lights:
Link to original thread - Oświetlenie Świąteczne 2010