Advanced Member level 4
It is a decoration which can be hang on a Christmas tree or elsewhere. It uses STM32F0 Discovery, 5 oblong boards with 16 white diodes in housing SMD 0805 OVS-0801 and a driver TLC5925.
The construction is very simple and can be easily performed by a beginner.
LED modules are lined with Discovery by 1m long cables. It is almost the maximum length because the circuits are powered from 5V and the processor is powered from 3V (so that the high state on the port will also respond to the value of 3V), and the duration of control pulses is relatively short, and the frequency is significant as for such a cable.
Diodes are controlled by PWM, which in fact is implemented on driver not the microcontroller that only sends an information on which diode is to be turned out and which is to be lit at the moment.
The effect of falling star is programmed so far, but you can add other illuminations.
The design was made in Eagle, and the code was written under Keil.
Link to original thread (useful attachment) - Ozdoba świąteczna - sople / spadające gwiazdy by Gibol