This electronic device can decorate your house in the Christmas time. The whole text is displayed on the LED matrix 5x8. The system was based on microcontroller Atmega8, program written in Bascom. Voltage stabilizer was built on a transistor and Zener diode.
In the basic version, text is stored in the program code, but there is also a version that has a simple text „editor” (store in EEPROM). ISP connector is derived from the base, so you can always change the text. The system is powered by 9V battery.
Now some picture – making matrix:
Giving the final shape of the matrix and soldering transistors, resistors, etc.
Connecting to microcontroller:
Constructing the flame and first start:
Preparation of form and flooding electronics with wax:
Small treatment after cooling:
Attachment of the candle to a stand made of the bottom part of metal can:
Final effect:
Link to original thread (useful attachment) –
Konkurs Świąteczny: Wigilijna świeca