It is a design of flasher in the form of a bauble. This small decoration looks beautifully when hanged on a Christmas tree.
The circuit consists of a RGB diode and microcontroller PIC12F1822 that directly controls the RGB diode. It is waken up by WDT in a specified time interval. At the moment of waking up, it switches on or off the diode of a specified color and goes back to sleep. Before that the time left for waking up is set. Flashing can be disabled using the button, and also you can implement switching between the effects. Pressing the button does not cause an interrupt, but it is interpreted when the microcontroller is waken up. The microcontroller charges 24uA at 3V in sleep mode. During operation, it takes 29uA at a clock frequency 31kHz. Diode current is set to about 5-10mA.
Baubles do not need housings, because from a distance of 3 meters when you look at the Christmas tree with flashing decorations, you can not see the electronics. This is due to the fact that the PCB is green, battery frame is silver and its handle is black.
For example, when you hang several baubles on a small Christmas tree, and set that a color is lit for 16ms every 2 seconds, it would look like not synchronized flashes.
Here are some pictures of the baubles:
And the video:
A bauble is powered from a battery CR2032 which it enough to maintain its constant work up to two weeks.
Link to original thread -
Bombka RGB na choinkę