Choosing the right cpu

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Member level 5
Sep 29, 2009
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Some time ago i've started to build my own remote control for my DSLR camera and until now i came up with two solutions:
1. The cheap one GVI DSLR RC v3
2. A Touch Shield Slide GVI Digital Remote Control

Now, for my next variant i want to have:
1. Camera will be controlled by USB;
2. The remote will receive from camera thumbnails images for preview;
3. Wireless control : a central unit that will receive data from sensors and will send data to the camera.

As i am still new to this field i need help in choosing a cpu fast enough to transmit/ receive small images, but in the same time i will need guidance, so the programming and hardware for this cpu must have a support forum.

Any one can suggest me a micro-controller that can do these things?

Thank you

you will need a microcontroller capable of acting as a USB device, e.g. I would use either a PIC24 or a PIC32
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what type of wireless were you considering? have a look at MiWi
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WiFi is certainly an option
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you can use TCP or UDP to communicate between the devices

In the Block Diagram picture the sensors will be connected to the TR1 by wire.
TR1 will transform the analog signal (0-5V) in digital and send it to the central unit,
TR1 will also control the sensors power (On/Off).

The central unit will receive signals from TR1, process these signals and then send the
signal to the TR2 (the wireless interface between cental unit and camera). The central
unit can also receive data via TR2 (thumbnails, camera parameters) and display on a OLED

In wired mode the sensors will be connected directly to the central unit (analog data)
and via USB with the camera.

Now i'm thinking to a combined mode:
1. Central unit <-> sensors wireless + Central unit <-> camera via USB;
2. Central unit <-> sensors analog connection + Central unit <-> wireless;

So the central unit MCU must handle data transmition, data processing and
screen control.

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