Hello to everyone.
I have a Vx voltage on a resistor R = 50kohm ( 0 volts < Vx < 33 volts) .
This voltage is the input of a triggering high impedence circuit powered with 5V.
The voltage on the resistor must not exceed 5V for a protection reason.
The clamping circuit must not distort all the voltages on Rx lower than 5V.
The problem is that this voltage comes from an attenuation of a high voltage using high resistors.
When there are 5 V on R, i have a current of about 100uA.
What clamping circuit should I use?
Are 100uA sufficent to switch on a zener diode?
Can low leakage currents damage my high valued resistors?
Is it maybe better use a schottky diode in series with a 5V voltage?
Are there other better integrated clamping circuits?
Thanks to everyone who will make my knowledges growing up.