Choosing micro controller

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Dec 15, 2011
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i am standing before decision what to choose micro or fpga to my project from what i understand fpga is much more powerful for complex calcification but i would like to know what parameters should i check that will tell me if micro controller is able to preform have calculation in order to be able to transmit/recive data at least 10Mbits

Don't know about FPGA and 10 Mbps transfer. Anyway, there are microcontrollers (ARM mostly) that are able to do 1 instruction / 1 cycle and have USB module with 1 MB/s transfer rate.

The PIC range can handle that sort of data rate and faster as well - certainly the PIC32 and probably the PIC24 range. The exact choice will depend on other factors such as cost, memory requirements, power consumption, other I/O and signal processing requirements and what you are planning to do with the data.

AFAIK, PIC/Atmel are far from 1 instruction per cycle, so for me they are at the end of the list for fast data processing.
If "capturing" is storing external data from port to internal RAM by DMA, MCLK/2 is standard speed. I guess that for your device MCLK is 70 MHz (because MIPS not telling me much)?

I prefer devices with big number of registers, where all registrar based instruction can execute in only 1 cycle. Know that with PIC/Atmel this was not the case in past, don't know if they change something with new products.
PIC24 has clk/2 for instruction cycle so 140MHz clock for PIC24E. Most instructions are single cycle. DMA is actually slower with the PICs - the best I have managed is around 15M words/sec, depending on configuration. Choosing a processor is not easy. I have found that the only way to really know what works best for a particular design problem is to try it, but that takes time, money and resources.

I made simple logic analyzer, with 12 MHz sampling (DMA) while MSP430F5xx MCLK is only 24 MHz. And MSP430 target are low-power application, not hi-speed.

BTW, didn't know that most of the new PIC's instruction are 1 cycle. I was following PIC scene 10 years ago.
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