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Choosing a microcontroller for the design

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Newbie level 1
Feb 21, 2005
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Hey Everyone,

I need to control a set of valves which need to be turned on and off at intervals of a few hours. I was thinking of using an 8051 microcontroller -with its in-built timer- to do this job. I plan to use a keyboard matrix and a LCD to input into the 8051 the valve timings.

I have previously used this chip and i know it is quite complex. In that case, I had used Assembly language to program the chip, which made it very tedious!
I had done most of my work by reading the book on 8051 by Ayala....and thats as far as my knowledge extends....when it comes to microcontrollers.

Well, my questions are as follows:

1) Is there an easier way to achieve my objective? Can I use a smaller more basic chip or something like basic stamp? (i need to control 7 valves i would require atleast 7 Digital o/p)

2) In case, the 8051 is my only option, is there any easier way to program the 8051 rather than using the Assembley language code?

3) Is there any way i could eliminate the keyboard and LCD and input the valve timings into the micro-controller directly from a PC?....maybe using something software like LabView.

Thanks a lot,


I can help you in the design, PM me, where are you located anyway?

Because you have spent already some time studying 8051 the easiest way would be to stay with this chip, however, I wouldn't choose 8051 but its equivalents from MAXIM: for example DS89C420 or similar, and the main reason is that it has internal flesh memory and is In-System Programmable through Serial Port.
As far as keypad and LCD display are concerned, I would use simple command-response protocol (ASCII characters) through serial port (RS-232) and Windows Hyperterminal (or similar) to "talk" to this chip + display requested parameters.
To save the set of variables you will need an external EEProm and you can find a lot of I2C procedures to read afrom and to write to I2C EEProm ..

nishmehta said:
Hey Everyone,

I need to control a set of valves which need to be turned on and off at intervals of a few hours. I was thinking of using an 8051 microcontroller -with its in-built timer- to do this job. I plan to use a keyboard matrix and a LCD to input into the 8051 the valve timings.

I have previously used this chip and i know it is quite complex. In that case, I had used Assembly language to program the chip, which made it very tedious!
I had done most of my work by reading the book on 8051 by Ayala....and thats as far as my knowledge extends....when it comes to microcontrollers.

Well, my questions are as follows:

1) Is there an easier way to achieve my objective? Can I use a smaller more basic chip or something like basic stamp? (i need to control 7 valves i would require atleast 7 Digital o/p)

2) In case, the 8051 is my only option, is there any easier way to program the 8051 rather than using the Assembley language code?

3) Is there any way i could eliminate the keyboard and LCD and input the valve timings into the micro-controller directly from a PC?....maybe using something software like LabView.

Thanks a lot,


In your question Number 1, here is my answer you can use PIC micro series and code it in C or Basic, there are lots of demo softwares of the said languages and I think your code will be more optimized by using a higher level language.

Btw, if you want intervals of hours, better use an RTC.

In question number 2, yes you can use 8051 Bascom Basic or Keil C.

In question number 3, you can use PIC16F series with UART, and much better design compared with the one w/ keypad and LCD but still needs an RTC to have an interval of hours.

try to do something with the PIC processors..
They are a lot more powerful than the 8051s and will very much cater to your requirements...

crazy_man said:
try to do something with the PIC processors..
They are a lot more powerful than the 8051s and will very much cater to your requirements...

I disagree on your opinion that PIC is better than 8051, no microcontroller is better than the other one, it is on how you will harness the capability of a certain microcontroller to a specific application.

You do not want to use a microcontroller w/ ADC to applications not requiring ADC, design is not about overkilling, design is about cost effectiveness.

The essence of engineering is always how to get the best output at the lowest possible cost.

ATMEL's 89C51RD2 has 64K flash ISP. If you have experience with a 8051 i would stick with that. Try and download a basic or C compiler if you dont like assembly. Specially with valves and stuff i would stick to assembly. It is still the best way to make a program work ALL the time, although C compilers are very good now. If u need info on a 8051 check w*

Yes I'm with you on this matter glenjoy. There are no such thing as one MCU is better than the others. All MCUs have places and application for them.The ultimate goal for engineers/designers is how to get the job done with the possible lowest cost and fastest time but still maitain the reliabilty. Besides that, there are many others factors that contribute to the choice of MCU. IMHO stick with what you feel comfortable with, tools handyness, support from manufacture, resources, and availaibilty of the device... etc

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