Just one thing: why are you polling keys? Usually, polling is not a good method. The best way
to process keys is to use interrupts. It will greatly unload your processor and your system will be
more responsive because you will take action as soon as a key is pressed.
Now as for the processor, you still need to define your system better. What I understand is that
you will receive key event and generate some audio. What is the quality of this audio? Is it
192 ksample / second x 4 channels or is it 8 k sample / second, single channel? What kind of
instrument is it? If it's for example a piano, you will have to process audio samples for each note,
and you have 88 of them for a regular piano. Well, with 16 keys, I guess it's not.... But what this
means is that if you have to output presampled audio with a good quality, you will have to move
samples quickly and continuously to a DAC, therefore you will need some processing power.
If it's just a gadget, you can use any low cost µP.