choose microcontroller kit

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shubham jain

Newbie level 4
Jun 20, 2013
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i am using PIC24FV32KA304 microcontroller in my project and with GPS receiver GPS-2062 of RHYDO labz .
but i am confused how to choose microcontroller kit and how it will be connected with my there any need of using explorer 16 with PIM with the microcontroller development board ??


You do not have to use a development board to create your own project.

You simply need a Microchip Pickit3 or ICD3 programmer /debugger and a breadboard or similar building board/pcb plus a 5v power supply.

Would also question why the use of a Pic24 ? the pic16F and 18F chips are much more supported in the diy forums like EDA.

Dear Sir,

PROJECT:- Mobile Weathering System
we want to interface four sensors with pic microcontroller which works on 5V power supply and interface gps reciever from it.
sensors required 1 I2C bus interface, 2 UART , in built real time clock, 2 SPI.
i am a fresher so i dont know about it. suggest me how to do this.

Reply as soon as possible.


Thats a large project to undertake if you know nothing about micros.

Suggest you break it down into individual modules and learn each in turn, like Serial Usart, then SPI , then I2C etc.

Assume you are going to be using C but in using the Pic24 they have made it a bit more difficult for you to find examples you can copy, so you will really have to learn everything for your self.

You can still use a simple breadboard to do all the development work or buy an expensive dev board if you want to.

A couple of Pic24 tutorials you might find helpful

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Thanks Sir for your guidance,
I have already started learning about pic and its port. Please provide me some guidance on the c - programming also for the interface of sensors and GPS reciever.
I want to use mickro C compiler in MPLAB IDE

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