EMI inductors cannot carry and DC bias, they saturate if you do, and its inductance goes off the cliff.
You require a proper inductor which can sustain DC bias. This means either a powder-iron core (which is acceptable for 100 Khz) or a gapped ferrite core for higher frequencies.
Now, I understand your desire for low current ripple. But PFC inductors cannot be chosen arbitrarily.
What you require to do is select a controller from one of the major semiconductor vendors. In the datasheet, they will have all the equations required to design the converter (which depends on your specs) and choose the proper components. Among them will be the value and current rating of the boost inductor.
If you are lucky, the vendor may even have some app notes and software to assist you in the design.
Then you can go the the Epcos, Coilcraft, Murata, Vishay or other magnetic component vendor and choose the closest commercial value that fits your needs.
EDIT: you will still require the inductor that you have shown in the datasheet, but for its intended purpose: reducing EMI. But there is more than an inductor for a good EMI filter, you will also require some X/Y capacitors.
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The UCC28019A from Texas Instruments appears to be a simple to use, low cost device which could easily fit your requirements.