choke circuit for waveguide switch?

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Feb 13, 2002
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Dear helper,

I design waveguide switch by CST Microwave Studio.

Waveguide swich has chennel. It's one, two and three channel.

I try to simulate it. But it's complex circuit for simulation.

So I don't have good result. It's difficult to simulate.

I don't understand choke circuit, maybe.

If you have experiance, please explain it.

Thank you.

Simply. Think to walk from inside the waveguide to outside along the flange.
The two flanges, once coupled, are non touching. a thin gap exist. After λ/4 along this gap another λ/4 long path has been machined into one of the flanges.
The total lenght is λ/2, shorted at the end, so the short is virtually on the waveguide wall.

As that path has low Zo (read as the gap is thin) as work better as chooke.

To do a good design, first start with an analisys approach by setting the expected dimensions, then optimize with a syntesis CAD like CST.

Find expected dimensions by looking into catalogs and ANs of waveguide producer like MDL or Continental Waveguide.

Thank you for your interesting and explaining.

I know choke circuit of waveguide flange.

In this case, I can simulate and design.

But In case of waveguide switch, it's complex structure for simulation and design.

I attached image about switch.

Problem is multi choke circuit. It occur resonance.

So, I don't sure simulation result. Simulation time is very long, about 1 day.

I worry result and time.

Thank you.

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