Chinese PCB Layout Design Software

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Out of interest, China now does much of the Electronics for the West now, certainly the more simple PCBs.

Does any reader know what are the PCB Layout Software packages commonly used in China?
I mean, the Chinese are doing Electronics very well, everybody seems to be going there to get their electronics done, they must be doing something right with PCB Layout Software too.

Do the Chinese use Altium, Cadstar, Pads etc? or do they have their own different Chinese PCB Design Software packages?

Same as the rest of the world...Cadence, Cadstar, Mentor, altium
I don't understand your questions and statements what answer are you trying to find. I could probably write a book on the economic/social factors that have led to the decline of electronics production in the west and its move out east, but its all on the internet if you wanna read up.
Also there is quite a lot of design work done in West6ern country's that is then produced in China or Asia.
You general direction about software being responsible for the decline of electronics is wrong, it is nothing to do with the software.
The Chinese also use IPC standards as well as the same software as the rest of us, there is also a large design base building in in India, quite a few Indian designers are active on here.....
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