pcbway ptototype company
A chinese manufacturer that specialized in PCB over ten years.Price and delivery time is very good,they cooperate with DHL and get 20%discount.Usually 3-4days you can get the boards.Other express is also ok,like HongKong post.,It is much cheaper.
According to my experience,you can register pcbway to enjoy the 80%discount,and can get the free universal boards.Also they do so many activities to help you save the cost
2:OSH PARK pcb prototype company
You never think that in US that also have so cheap pcb prototype company.But with so cheap price their quality sometimes not very good.
The most unconfortable is that their website interface.But with so cheap price you cannot require more
Olimex pcb prototype company
A company in Bulgaria,they are not only a pcb manufacturer,but also do the business of device and hardware.Their quality is also good,but to me their quotation maybe not very good.
4pcb pcb prototype company
I believe most of the engineer or hobbyist know the company and have ever bought their pcb boards.Their quality is good,and quotation is acceptable,So i donnot introducr more since everyone know the company
5:high performance supplier pcbcart
My friend use their service not me.To be honestly,their price is a little high.For me just an electrical hobbyist,there is no need to choose so expensive pcb supplier.But if you search very good supplier,you can enjoy their service,the company is located in china.
OK,i will continue update the supplier,if you have some other supplier please recomment to us.