Cheap way to program 8 bit PIC micros now?

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Advanced Member level 6
Jun 13, 2021
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I havent programmed PICs for a few years now......but now need a simple inrush micro to switch the inrush relay and enable downstream PSU....but the old programmer tools are gone?.
Do you know how to do it now? you have to buy the IDE programmer?

I need to stick with PICs as they are much easier than any other micro.

Depending which PIC family you are interested in, you can get PicKit3 devices fairly cheaply. the PicKit4 is out now but is a little more expensive but needed for some of the newer MCUs.
The JDM programmer took its place decades ago when the RS-232 serial port was native to personal computers; one of JDM's peculiarities was the generation of a high voltage VPP by its internal circuitry took from the serial flow control signals, and it worked fine with onboard serials that exhibited their signals with an adequate magnitude since RS-232 allows a voltage of modulo 3v to 12v, however the USB converters most times work with a minimum value. Another question is whether the software that uses such a circuit supports the latest microcontrollers. Microchip has an extremely extensive portfolio of microcontroller variants.
Thanks, if anythign is more straightforward than pics i'd love to find it
The following book got me into micro programming

...i havent found anything this simple for any other micro.....i must admit the arduino is simple but you have to buy the arduino board.

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