If this is what you need, then the headline and first post really was misleading (to me).
Output power, channel count, no DAC ...
We don't know about your speakers, the applications requirements, wiring ...
Your target for "minimal filters":
Please consider that your amplifier, wiring, speaker may act as "HF transmitter" if not designed properly. In worst case your amplifier may interfere with your local "emergency authorities" radio...
Mind that PWM causes overtones, mainly depending on the rise rate of the power bridge output. The overtones are much higher than the fundamental PWM frequency. So: not 20kHz (HiFi audio limit) , not 80kHz (application audio limit) , not 12MHz (PWM fundamental) .... your filters need to be able to suppress in the 100MHz range. --> PCB layout, part selection and so on need to be suitable.