Charge pump based LDO

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Member level 2
Aug 25, 2005
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why charge pump is needed in ldo

Anybody knows how to design charge pump based LDO with NMOS as drop-out element ? Please suggest some papers.

simple charge pump

This one is not as bad as you think. Since the nmos is acting as a source follower, it naturally has very low impedance and is easier than pmos pass device to compensate. It's also very strong compared to pmos for a given size so the dropouts can be quite small, even at 1A!

In general, the output stage of your error amp must be supplied by the high voltage of the pump, and you should expect to pump (at worst case) a few Vth above Vin when Vin is dropping down to almost Vout. This is pretty simple in that it can be easily generated with almost any type of pump. In practice, the tricky parts will be
1) The pump capacitors are a big space-waster, so don't build this one in an expensive process!
2) Charge pumps are notoriously inefficient, so although it is simple to generate the required voltage, it is not simple to generate it efficiently.

Other than those two, this is a very good way to make a high $$ product. (comparatively speaking, of course).

Here are some papers on pumps - the error amp should be trivial (fold it!@).
charge pump in ldo

thanks for electronrancher,very good suggestion for
the charge pumper design.the Paper you offered is
just useful for me to solve my question.

A CMOS charge pump for low voltage operation.pdf

A two-phase, four and five boosting ratio, charge pump cell for LCD driver.pdf

Does anyone have work on cap-free LDO ? Thanks

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