charge battery AAA ,AA

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Newbie level 3
Apr 7, 2008
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aa aaa ni-mh battery

I have a Battery AAA with 1.2 V lt. Can anyone tell me the circuit diagram to charge this battery. it's best if it is Automatic, i mean when battery fully charged it automatically cut-off power.

Thank you very much

aaa charging circuit

There is insufficient info to answer this question. Battery charging requires knowledge about the chemistry used to construct the battery. Is it NiCad, Lithium, or NiMH, or something else?

Not all batteries can be recharged. Zinc carbon and most alkiline batteries will not take a re-charge and will leak if you attempt it.

My suggestion is to just buy a charger. The cost of the charger is much less than the individual parts to build one. Battery charging is not really simple. You need to charge fast enough that it can be accomplished in a reasonably short period of time. However, you cannot charge too fast or the batteries overheat and are ruined. You also need to monitor total charge to know when to stop charging.

it is Pin Ni-MH . I must do it myself , because it is my project on my class .

If this is a class project, then I would suggest that you need to research it and design it yourself. If someone gives you a circuit diagram, what exactly have you learned?

First find out the charging requirements for the Ni-MH battery you are using. Then, determine what input power is available to your charger. Next, start searching the web. There are companies that make ICs that specialize in battery charge functions. There are also some reference designs that can be obtained from battery manufacturers. I think the point of the class project is for you to get familar with the design process, not just copying another's design.

I know that . But i'm just a newbie so i need some advice to begin or some document Added after 36 seconds:

Audioguru said:
What is the assignment:
Circuit design?
pcb design?
just soldering?

It 's Circuit design.

Did you try an Internet search? I did a quick Google and immediately found:

**broken link removed**

This application note covers the basics and is written by Maxim which make dedicated Ni-MH charger ICs.
Since you are a newbie, I am assuming that the course is either tech school or undergraduate. Therefore, you probably want to stick with using a dedicated charging IC that does the bulk of the work for you. Maxim is one manufacturer. Search the Internet and you will find others.

Thanks you very much . I will try do it by myself

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