CHAP standard for GPRS PPP authentication

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Apr 6, 2005
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Is CHAP standard for all GPRS PPP authention.

Please provide me resources related to MD5 single way hash encryption.

gprs authentication chap

It seems that GPRS does not support PAP. It asks for CHAP (0xc223).
I configured my phone as a standard modem and logged the stream. In reply to C223 packet from phone, the PC sent
7E 80 FD 01 05 00 0A 12 06 00 00 00 01 3E 62 7E
It is a CCP. The phone in response sends a
C021 08 (protocol Reject)
The PC immediately proceeds to IPCP (0x8021)

Does it mean that all Authentications are bypassed??

gprs ppp ipcp response

The CHAP Authentication returning MD5 takes place but CCP/ V.Jacobson compression is rejected.

Which n/w are u using.

Re: GPRS Authentication

I have tested the connection from PC to GPRS phone using PPP. There is no authentication. Here is what happens.

1. Dialup
2. PPP-LCP is negotiated.
3. PC sends a PAP packet with user and pw
4. GPRS phone replies with a "Reject protocol"
5. PC starts PPP-IPCP negotiations
6. Phone responds and IP settings are assigned.
7. IP communications begin.

The default authentication is CHAP. But you can send a reject packet and skip to IPCP. This makes sense. GPRS service is charged to the SIM. There is no point of authentication.

I wonder why dont all GPRS phones and modems use SLIP instead of PPP. It is much more practical in this case.

Re: GPRS Authentication

I havent tried rejecting CHAP. Your observations completely matches with the sequence i observed on Airtel service.

Which GPRS service/network have u tried? What platform are u using for implementation?

GPRS Authentication

I tried another sequence. The phone asked for CHAP during LCP. I replied with NAK. Phone asked for PAP, I sent ACK. Then when LCP is done, I send a PAP packet with user/pass. The phone ACKs and IPCP begins. I am using siemens A65, 8051, Telenor.

Re: GPRS Authentication

Thats interesting, i think the server supports multiple options; i'll try this with my n/w and let u know the outcomes.

but implementing the stack for the default sequence will be a good idea so as to conserve memory.

Re: GPRS Authentication

GPRS authentication support PAP and CHAP both but mostly they are bypassed.

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