changing ADS emSetup input layout


May 16, 2024
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Hi gurus,

I have already an emSetup for a cell view layout. I copied the layout to a new view layout_cp, and I opened the emSetup view, but that emSetup view input layout is "View: layout", how can I change the input layout View from layout to layout_cp?

thanks in advance.

You can have multiple emSetup views in one cell, but they will all reference the "layout" view.
For your case with different layouts to be simulated, you need to create different cells.

Create a new one then Import Settings from previous one.

Creating multiple emSetup is not the problem - they all use the layout view, and that cannot be changed.
To simulate different layouts, they must be in different cells. The emSetup can be copied between cells, that part is easy.

Creating multiple emSetup is not the problem - they all use the layout view, and that cannot be changed.
To simulate different layouts, they must be in different cells. The emSetup can be copied between cells, that part is easy.
I might be misunderstood the problem. You're right..
He has to copy the cell with its layout view to another name. Then he can change emSetup.

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