centre taped and full bridge invertor

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May 12, 2009
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what is the differnce b/w centre taped and full bridge sine wave invertor ,which is cost effective & performance?

Class B transformer more expensive, but only one Vds/ Vce volt drop. Bridge, transformer cheaper, two transistor volt drops and four power devices plus added complexity. I would get quotes for the different sort of transformers and see what the price difference is, and then you can work out will this pay for the extra semiconductors.
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i have one more doubt : assume i have one bridge trmer , Vin=230 Vo=10V N1=230 turns and N2=10turns

here Vin/Vo=N1/N2 , my doubt is can i change N1=23 and N2=1 , bcs now also Vin/Vo=N1/N2 , and i can save copper price .

you cannot.
you would have several problems.
just check magnetic circuits' equations.
since the L will reduced drastically, you will definitely have short circuit problem. Furthermore the ransformer will not work near the knee of B-H curve etc
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can you share the all related equations?

The equations use symbols, and I unfortunately do not know how to type symbols here.
please refer to following books:
Dynamic Simulation of Electrical Machinery by: Chee-mun Ong pages:88-92.

Electric Machines Analysis and design by: Jim Cathey pages:142-150.

or any other book that discuss magnetic circuits.
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A non mathematical approach is that the limited primary inductance is a loss where current flows through it but does not get to the output. So suppose your working frequency is F HZ, then the primary inductance should have an impedance say, at least 10 times the reflected load impedance at F HZ. This is why 50 HZ transformers are wound with many turns of wire on a laminated iron core and high frequency transformers are wound with a much lower number of turns on a ferrite transformer. Radio frequency transformers may not have any cores at all.
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i have one more doubt : assume i have one bridge trmer , Vin=230 Vo=10V N1=230 turns and N2=10turns

here Vin/Vo=N1/N2 , my doubt is can i change N1=23 and N2=1 , bcs now also Vin/Vo=N1/N2 , and i can save copper price .
u can reduce production cast , use primary winding copper & 2ndry winding aluminum .its 200% reduce production cast .
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is there any disadvantags with aluminum windings?

it has about 60% of copper conductivity. so, higher resistance, so higher temperature. you may need to increase diameter of your wire.There is a aluminum oxide , I think it is not good heat transfer that means the heat can be imprison in your windings. I am not sure about second sentence.
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