Cells not coming in gds stream in in virtuoso


Newbie level 5
Mar 8, 2024
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Hello all,

I have run into a strange problem. After finishing designing a digital cell, I generated the gds stream out from Innovus using the <technology>.layermap file. Now, using the same layermap file I am trying to stream in this gds file into Cadence Virtuoso. But all the connecting wires and vias are coming up in the layout in virtuoso, but not any standard cell. Does anyone have any idea about this? I am very new to virtuoso so any help or advice will be highly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

Innovus typically streams out with reference to the standard cells only. That's the standard flow.
If you have access to the gds of the standard cells, you first have to create a library and stream in the cells in the analog environment.
While importing the gds into virtuoso, you have to specify the library name in the reference library list.

Bbe sure that displayed hierarchy depth is "all" (Or 31 levels) - if calls are only red rectangles then it's a display problem, not stream

Not sure if it is going to help, You can do this, open a Layout window then Options, Display, Resolution - High and close the Display Options window and press shift+f.

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