Cell Phone To PC Interface

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Jan 16, 2008
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nokia pc interface

Hello friends!
Can anyone please help me with my design project..I need to interface a cellphone(preferably nokia since it is easily available from where i'm from) with my PC to retrieve the sms messages in the cell phone's memory. i need the messages to be displayed at my PC.

i can't use a nokia 3310 to interface with my PC using at commands via serial-bus cable. I've just read that nokia 3310 doesn't have built-in GSM modem therefore at commands is not applicable. tough luck..

So here's my question:
what other nokia cellphone can i use to interface with my pc using at commands via hyperterminal program and what are the commands?
Your help is greatly appreciated mates...Thanks!

pc to cellphone interface

You can read received messages or stored messages of Nokia 3310 using FBUS protocol.

Phones with built-in modem are easier to use using AT commands.
To read message at location 1 input AT+CMGR=1, to receive text messages on Hyper Terminal input AT+CMGF=1 to set to text mode, then input AT+CNMI = 1,2,0,0,0, messages received are automatically displayed.



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interfacing cellphone to pc

bro.. thank you so much..

i have a problem of confirming if the 3310 phone can communicate to the pc..

i connected the fbus cable from the back of the phone to the serial port of the pc...

how can we know if they are communicating?

can you please tell me the correct steps in connecting the phone to pc, also, how to confirm if they are communicating, and how does the pc receive the messages....

thank you so much bro....

filipino ka ba bro?

pc phone interface

You can use Visual Basic 6.0 to retrieve SMS from cellphone to PC. There is a DLL file that supports this way of programming. It is very easy to use and it supports many activity on phone like reading sms, sending sms, and reading cellphones data.


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how to simulate cell phones interface

add the serial port component to your VB project and see the doc on how to program it....

in my experience Motorola phones have the most comprehensive AT command sets available, though nokia is good enough for SMS manipulation.

I have successfully used Nokia 5110 (be careful, only 800MHZ operator's sim cards work).

You can also use the 3310, you just need a connector that filts in instead of the phone's battery, i.e you take out the battery and plug in the connector. you can see the pins to connect to if you remove the battery. The pins are beneath a hole, on the main PCB.

Both phones work well with hypertrminal. send me a pm for some vb code and PIC C code.


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ka 08 celular phone connect

hello! im new here. do you also have any idea how i can interface my pic16f877 to a gsm module? i do not know where to start so im hoping to get some info from you guys. tnx


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connect cellphone to visual basic 6.0

Hello Everyone.
Sorry for Disturbing you.
I am a STD of EEE & I am in trouble with my final year project.
I am doing a project using AT command in 6680 phone.I can simulate my project using Proteus_7.1 interfacing my 6680 with a microcontroller virtually.
Here I am using the RX,TX & GND pin of Nokia POP Port connected via USB including Nokia connectivity cable driver.

But the problem is, I cant communicate with my 6680 by microcontroller in real time.Here I need to active the POP Ports RX TX pin (FBus) without Nokia cable Driver.Is there any command to enabe the FBUS???
I know that for Nokia 3310 I need to send 128 times 'U' char that is 0x55 in HEX to initialize FBUS.But I dont know the FBUS activation command for my Nokia 6680.
PLZ help me out on this problem.Thanx.

1.Whenever I connect my 6680 to PC via USB then i see a sign of USB connection in my 6680 screen due to cable driver.
2. But this sign does not appear when I connect the phone with microcontroller.

Very sorry for my bad English.


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